During the holidays we all overdo it with food and alcohol, and that’s a fact: here’s how to recover quickly with some simple tips for a post-holiday detox
Happy hour aperitifs, dinners, big dinners with the aggravating circumstance of the many leftovers of delicacies that ‘survived’ the festivities that continue to tempt us and do not help to reduce calories. The Christmas holidays leave, in many cases, their mark on the scale. Those who have overdone it can in fact have accumulated up to 3 kilos, which can become 5 if panettone, nougat and cotechino are still circulating around the house.
Detox diet
Detox diet is the answer to the guilt of holiday revelry: we ate and drank too much, irregularly and without paying much attention to the quantity or quality of the meals. Luckily, purifying foods , or those foods that “clean” and detoxify the body, also known as detox foods , are there to get us back on track . Introducing detoxifying foods for the liver, kidneys, stomach, intestines and skin into our detox diet, especially after the holiday or post-holiday diet, is an excellent idea to regain balance and feel good, but above all it is a good habit to get into all year round. So what are the recommended foods to improve the quality of the intestinal microbiota and have a positive impact on health after the bad eating habits adopted during the holidays?
fiber, whole and organic
“It is essential to follow a diet that maintains physiological inflammation by consuming whole, raw, non-genetically modified and possibly organic foods, favoring fermented and cultured foods such as sauerkraut, or kimchi (a Korean dish of fermented vegetables with spices), kombucha (sweetened and fermented tea), algae that have an effect on reducing inflammation and insulin resistance, very important, foods rich in prebiotic fibers such as inulin that we find in Jerusalem artichokes, garlic, dandelion, chicory, onions, leeks, asparagus and bananas, to be consumed unripe due to their high content of resistant starch”, explains Deborah Tognozzi, a nutrition biologist.
unsaturated fats, cocoa and red wine
“Some fats are very important and beneficial, therefore nutritionally useful, such as those found in extra virgin olive oil, dried fruit, fatty fish and avocado. Eggs, especially in the morning, are a source of protein and other nutrients. Yes to raw cocoa, and at least one glass of red wine a week as a source of polyphenols. Green light to some spices, such as turmeric, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory,” adds the expert.
yogurt and fermented foods
“Fermented foods are important as probiotics because they are rich in different microbes, such as yogurt, some cheeses such as ricotta, goat cheese and robiola, kefir (a fermented milk drink), kimchi (a vegetable side dish originally from Korea) and apple cider vinegar, which taken before meals in two teaspoons helps keep blood sugar levels under control and avoids glycemic peaks,” says Tognozzi.
Fruits and vegetables
Just 2 days of a diet based only on fruit, especially citrus fruits, grapefruit in particular. You can eat a kilo and a half a day choosing between different types: oranges, mandarins, apples, kiwi. And you have to drink a lot . This diet, very diuretic, allows you to quickly get rid of waste and put the body ‘back in line’.
Detox or purifying foods: what are they?
Fennel : it is very low in calories and provides only 9 kcal per 100 grams. Its purifying function stimulates diuresis, improves intestinal function and tones the liver.
Lemon helps the body capture toxic substances that are subsequently eliminated by water. Lemon juice promotes the flow of bile, encouraging digestion and cleansing the liver.
Garlic . One of the most characteristic ingredients of the Italian culinary tradition is also a very precious purifying and detoxifying food. Garlic facilitates blood circulation and stimulates the liver to produce detoxifying enzymes. In addition, the high sulfur content helps the body to metabolize fats.
The apple . Thanks to the presence of phytosterols and pectin, the apple is able to regulate the intestinal tract and promote its cleansing. It is better to consume the green apple, less caloric and richer in purifying properties.
Artichoke. Among the vegetable family, artichoke reigns supreme when it comes to fiber content. Not only does its high percentage of soluble fiber make it a valuable ally against high cholesterol and excess blood sugar, but cynarin protects liver cells by helping them regenerate.
Beetroot. Beetroot contains pectin and betaine, two substances useful for protecting the liver and digestive system. In addition, the important concentration of saponins has a purifying and degreasing action important for the good health of the liver.
Broccoli . Broccoli, but also cabbage and Savoy cabbage are a concentrate of vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants that favor the process of eliminating toxins. It also contains enzymes that support the digestive system and sulfur compounds that effectively detoxify the liver.
Asparagus . The high presence of asparagine and water effectively stimulates diuresis and therefore the elimination of toxins. Asparagus is also rich in folic acid, B vitamins, mineral salts and fiber.
Oats . One of the best cereals to get back on track after excesses and a purifying food par excellence, oats are both a nutritional element – because they are rich in proteins – and capable of stimulating the metabolism.
Watercress . Rich in vitamins (B1, B2, B6, C, E) and minerals such as potassium, carotene and manganese, watercress improves digestion, nourishes the skin and eliminates excess toxins thanks to its diuretic properties.
Lamb’s lettuce . Lamb’s lettuce also has a stimulating effect on the intestines, eliminating toxins accumulated during gastronomic excesses. This variety of salad also contains a good dose of vitamins A, B and C.
Chili pepper . Who would have ever said that chili pepper was a purifying food? Well, thanks to capsaicin, it promotes the production of gastric juice, helping proper digestion.
Coriander . Coriander leaves help eliminate heavy metals – such as lead and mercury – accumulated over time; while the seeds aid digestion by regulating the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Turmeric . Increasingly appreciated for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric, also known as Indian saffron, helps the liver to cleanse itself of toxins and to enhance liver function.