Working out in winter: a panacea for body and mind

Working out in winter: a panacea for body and mind

When the temperature drops, we are more likely to stay indoors and consume more caloric foods. Find motivation to exercise during the winter

Training in the cold does not make you sick and, on the contrary, is good for our body. This is because low temperatures force the body to adapt to the new conditions and so the internal organs, such as the heart and lungs, work harder, receiving more oxygen. More work means more effort, it is true, but also greater benefits and results. Furthermore, training in the cold is useful for counteracting the onset of seasonal flu, since thanks to outdoor activities the immune defenses increase, it is good for the mood and makes you lose weight.

Training in winter
Finding the motivation to exercise during the winter can seem like a daunting task at the best of times, let alone when it’s cold outside and dark early. When the temperature drops, we’re more likely to stay indoors and eat more caloric and nutritious food, a combination that can put a strain on our fitness. There’s no doubt that exercising , especially outdoors , during the winter season can be a struggle. The temptation, when the alarm goes off on a cold winter morning, is to stay out of bed. To be on the safe side, the first thing to do, after planning breakfast, is to think about the physical and mental health benefits you’ll enjoy by staying fit all winter long. Two obvious benefits: working out in the winter at low temperatures burns more calories and improves your mood .

Training in winter: the benefits
Low temperatures and the “freeze” effect are allies of the beauty routine. But not only that. Playing sports in the cold , despite being unappealing, also brings many benefits to the body . «It trains thermoregulation to a great extent, the mechanism that has the purpose of maintaining the temperature around 37 degrees» explains Edoardo Gustini, specialist in clinical pathology and physiotherapist. A mechanism that, spending almost 90% of the days indoors, in the heat, we tend to no longer use. «Losing this natural ability means avoiding those physical microstresses that strengthen us from a psychophysical point of view. And they allow us to effectively face difficulties and mental fatigue» continues the expert.

It’s a shame then not to use thermoregulation more often, also because, let’s not forget, every time the body resorts to this mechanism, it turbocharges the metabolism, making it rise by 13% to increase the body temperature by even just one degree . So let’s see the benefits for the mind and body when training in winter.

If the thermometer drops you lose weight
Cold has this super power because it stimulates irisin, the sports hormone , to transform white adipocytes, the fat cells that remain stored in those unpleasant pads, into brown adipocytes. It’s not an urban legend: winter weight gain exists. In fact, the average weight gain in the winter season is just 0.48 kg. The problem arises when this extra weight is not shed and continues to accumulate even when the summer months arrive, to the point that in the long term it can evolve into obesity problems.

Science has highlighted two key factors behind this winter weight gain: lifestyle and biological variability . It is no wonder that in the winter months we tend to hang up our boots to stay warm. In addition, if we add caloric, hot meals and Christmas lunches, the damage could be significant. The cold maximizes calorie consumption . Physical exercise is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to prevent unwanted weight gain. However, for significant weight loss, you need to exceed 4 hours of physical activity per week.

Exercising outside and exercising during the winter are great ways to burn a lot of calories in the colder months. Most of our body fat is stored as white adipose tissue , which provides insulation but does not produce heat. In cold temperatures, our bodies respond by burning five times more calories than they would normally.

Training in winter: how to do it
These tips and tricks will help you reach your goals and workout with satisfaction, regardless of the cold and bad weather.

Plan your workout
One of the keys to success in being able to do sports consistently even in winter is to plan your outings for running or walking, in short for your workout sessions. Setting a time , a time slot dedicated to physical activity, will help you maintain a certain regularity . Schemes are allies of the mind when you are inclined to procrastinate or, even, postpone until the warm season, as in this case.

Train in company
Another good tip to not lose motivation, and to be able to exercise during the winter, even when the temperatures drop, is not to train alone, but to find a friend or a companion who has the same rhythms , work schedules and who is willing to share a weekly fitness plan. In this way, the variable of the given word also comes into play: you will not disappoint your friend and you will avoid deserting the workout. If you train after work, keep your bag and sneakers in the car or ready at the door if you pass by home. This way everything will be more fluid and will not be a hindrance.

Warm-up and stretching
Workout injuries are more common in the winter because it can take longer for muscles to warm up . To avoid this risk, it is essential to prioritize pre-workout warm-ups and rest and recovery.

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