Back-to-work stomachache: do you suffer from it too?

Back-to-work stomachache: do you suffer from it too?

Stomach ache doesn’t just affect children who go back to school, but also us adults when we return from work. Some excess food but above all the stress of going back to work affects the intestine. What to do?

It’s not just the back-to-school stomach ache that ‘s typical of children. Adults can also suffer from intestinal problems when returning to work : a much more common disorder than you might think, with its own characteristics. But it can be resolved by following the advice of expert gastroenterologists who also warn against another typical September inconvenience: trying to lose a few pounds gained on vacation.

Stomach ache after holidays
Digestive disorders such as flatulence and abdominal distension, but also slow digestion, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea and gastroesophageal reflux are discomforts that can arise at the end of the summer holidays, when it comes to returning to work .

Stress makes the intestines suffer
“All this affects the balance of the microbiota , the set of bacteria found in the intestine. Foods such as pizza, bread and fresh dairy products , especially if consumed in abundance, like carbonated drinks, increase flatulence, while overly abundant meals typical of holidays affect digestion”.
But even the stress of returning can have repercussions on our stomachs . “The brain and intestines influence each other; and this is where the microbiota comes in, the second organ that – after the intestines – lives in the stomach.
A condition of emotional stress alters the composition of the microbiota and, in turn, a condition of inflammation of the intestinal wall alters brain activity .

What to do about stress-induced stomach ache
How do you intervene to return to intestinal balance, especially if it is due to stressful situations? «The first piece of advice is to respect the usual meal time to keep glycemic levels stable. It is also important to avoid carbohydrate loading : if the meal contains an extra portion, subtract a more or less equivalent quantity from the other courses (for example bread or potatoes)». However, be careful also of the opposite temptation, that is, skipping the meal, since this destabilizes glycemic levels and increases the feeling of hunger with the risk of subsequent overeating . In general, it is good to start with vegetables to reduce the glycemic peak and induce a sense of satiety; eat slowly (the brain needs at least 20 minutes to become aware of the state of satiety); avoid or at least limit alcohol intake. Finally, regular physical activity reduces the impact of food abuse on weight gain and metabolism.

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