Asthma is not just caused by allergies: Here are the causes, symptoms, and treatments that help with asthma

Asthma is not just caused by allergies: Here are the causes, symptoms, and treatments that help with asthma

Asthma is a disease that affects the respiratory system and can cause symptoms such as difficulty breathing and other negative effects. It is mostly caused by allergies, but it is not the only cause. Let’s examine the causes, symptoms, and medications that can help treat asthma.

Asthma is a respiratory disease in which the patient’s airways are small, narrow “tubes” through which the air we breathe passes, and the walls of the tubes become inflamed. There is more wind than normal. This causes a condition called bronchoconstriction, and patients experience symptoms of varying severity. This is a common problem even in children.

We often talk about allergic asthma; it is a disorder that occurs as a result of exposure to allergens to which a person is sensitive. In this article, we will discuss natural treatment methods for mild and moderate asthma. However, let us remind you that treatment for asthma and chronic respiratory failure is limited to medication and treatment. So why does asthma occur? What types are there? Let’s take a look at it below.

What causes asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory tract and, like many diseases, has multiple causes: This means that the onset of the disease depends on both genetic and environmental factors.

It is most often caused by allergic reactions (like asthma) caused by mites, animal hair, pollen or mold, but respiratory infections can also cause asthma.

There is also a type of asthma that occurs after exercise, called exercise-induced asthma. Asthma can also be triggered by inhaling smoke, dust, excessive air pollution or infectious diseases.

Asthma symptoms

In asthma, different pathological processes occur together and cause symptoms to appear. As mentioned above, the airway diameter narrows, mucus production increases, bronchial mucosa swells and bronchial reactivity increases.

All of these cause symptoms such as shortness of breath and dyspnea in the characteristic picture of asthma (usually accompanied by a more or less pronounced agitation in individuals, as in all types of respiratory failure) and expiratory wheezing. It is the hissing sound a person makes when they need to exhale while breathing. In addition to the possibility of fatigue and dizziness, a feeling of tightness in the chest and cough are also common symptoms. The symptoms of asthma may not always be obvious, especially in mild or early cases, asthma symptoms may appear in vague ways.

Asthma screening and diagnosis

Asthma is diagnosed after a wheezing attack, usually by a non-specific assessment of the patient’s condition using a special breathing test called spirometry, in particular spirometry and methacholine.

It is important to remember that asthma-like symptoms can be caused by other respiratory or cardiovascular conditions, such as pneumonia or heart disease, and therefore should be considered in the differential diagnosis of respiratory diseases such as COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) or cardiovascular diseases, such as bronchitis and psychogenic asthma. The differential diagnosis of panic attacks is also important, but anxiety has its own characteristics.

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