Outbreaks of respiratory diseases are an inevitable sign of the off-season and winter. Interestingly, during this period there is also a high probability of recurrent herpes. The cause of exacerbations can be a variety of factors: from hypothermia or stress to acute respiratory viral infections and other diseases.
Herpes does not always manifest itself as “purely cosmetic” discomfort; it is important to respond to a relapse in a timely manner in order to prevent complications. And they can be serious: this virus can cause damage to internal organs, pose a threat of termination of pregnancy and exacerbate the course of other diseases.
Types of Herpes
Herpes is a group of diseases caused by different viruses from the same family. They can cause damage to the mucous membranes and skin all over the body – from the cornea to the genitals. Eight types of such viruses are dangerous to humans, but only five of them have been well studied so far.
The first type includes the herpes simplex virus, which manifests itself as characteristic rashes on the lips. The herpes simplex virus of the second type causes genital herpes, the third – chickenpox and shingles. Herpesvirus types 4 and 5 cause infectious mononucleosis and cytomegalovirus infection.
Eternal companion
Once all types of herpes viruses enter the human body, they remain there forever. They usually lie dormant at the ends of the nerves. The herpes virus may not manifest itself for years or even decades, but it can “stay” under favorable conditions. For example, the virus that causes measles in a preschool child can remain active after the child retires and cause shingles.
Factors that create favorable conditions for the awakening of the virus can be infectious diseases, stress, age-related decrease in immune protection, as well as pregnancy, in which immunosuppression (i.e. suppression of the immune system) is a necessary process to prevent rejection of the fetus.
At the same time, herpes is especially undesirable for expectant mothers: infection with this infection in the first trimester can lead to placental insufficiency, which often causes termination of pregnancy. According to research, primary genital herpes during pregnancy is associated with a high risk of infection of the fetus. The virus can also provoke premature birth, the formation of malformations 1 .
Immunity against herpes
Like any other virus, the herpes virus penetrates into the cell and, having integrated into its genetic apparatus, quickly multiplies, infecting more and more cells. The body’s immune defense can quickly suppress its activity, and here interferons play an important role – proteins that are produced by the body in response to the invasion of infection.
However, in some cases, there may be a deficiency of interferons. Some viruses, such as flu or covid, can suppress the production of this protective protein. Also, insufficient production of interferon occurs due to age-related characteristics (childhood or old age), and it, and the immune system as a whole, can be affected by stress, an unhealthy lifestyle, and the presence of chronic diseases. Pregnancy is also characterized by immunosuppression – suppression of the mother’s immune functions so that the fetus can grow and develop normally. Studies have shown that in patients with recurrent herpes, the level of interferons can be reduced by 10-20 times compared to healthy people.
We treat on time
It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes, but timely treatment will help alleviate the course of the disease and reduce the risk of complications, as well as reduce the number and duration of relapses in the future. As a complex therapy, the doctor may prescribe symptomatic and antiviral drugs, as well as immune-boosting agents. Interferon drugs have both of these properties – they help block the reproduction of the virus, and also help restore immunity. This, in turn, helps alleviate symptoms (by reducing the viral load), as well as reduce the number of exacerbations: after all, the body, whose immune forces are restored, finds it easier to keep the virus in a “dormant” state.
The use of the drug can also help reduce the number of relapses of the disease. As a result of a study in which adult patients used drug Suppositories for genital herpes, it was found that 82% of patients receiving the drug did not experience relapses for nine months 6 . As for external forms (gel, ointment), according to the results of scientific research, the use of drug ointment and gel in the early stages of relapse of simple herpes allowed for complete regression of skin rashes within three to four days.