Nausea is an unpleasant sensation, often linked to vomiting, that can occur in many physiological and pathological conditions. In non-serious cases, small measures and home remedies can alleviate the discomfort.
Defining nausea in words is a rather complicated task. It is a sensation, characterized by very different symptoms and that usually precedes vomiting, although there are several cases of nausea without vomiting.
The origin of the term “ nausea ” comes from the Greek and indicates the typical signs and symptoms of seasickness . In addition to this sensation, the term nausea has subsequently been associated with excessive sleepiness, tiredness, lethargy, reduced ability to concentrate, laziness and mild depression.
In 1988, nausea was defined medically as “an unpleasant sensation, vaguely referable to the epigastrium and abdomen, and often culminating in vomiting. This latter definition well describes what we still think of today to describe the sensation of nausea.
Most of us have experienced it at some point in our lives, often caused by very different conditions. In this article we will see together what the main causes of nausea are and what the scientifically proven natural remedies are for managing this unpleasant sensation.
Causes of nausea
The causes of nausea can be numerous and extremely different from each other. In many cases, nausea can be due to a gastrointestinal infection or food poisoning. In some cases, the feeling of nausea is linked to non-worrying situations such as strong stress or tiredness. In other cases, however, this unpleasant sensation is linked to seasickness or car sickness (the so-called motion sickness ) and very frequently in this case nausea precedes vomiting.
Nausea can also be linked to physiological situations such as pregnancy : it occurs especially in the first trimester. Many women report this sensation, which should not be alarming and can be easily managed with some of the natural remedies that we will suggest below. However, be careful when there are serious episodes of vomiting and weight loss: in these cases it is a priority to contact your doctor, who will be able to ascertain or exclude hypermesis gravidarum , one of the main causes of hospitalization during pregnancy.
Even the use of drugs can have a contraindication in the feeling of nausea: among the drugs most linked to this problem, in particular, we find chemotherapeutic drugs. Other drugs that can trigger the feeling of nausea are: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, antiarrhythmics, opiates and some hormonal drugs.
What to do to fight nausea: the most suitable remedies
Among the most well-known and useful natural remedies for nausea is ginger : in fact, there are numerous studies that demonstrate the benefits of this plant. Ginger is in fact able to increase gastric motility , proving effective in cases of nausea during pregnancy, post-operative nausea or nausea from chemotherapy. In this sense, it represents an excellent alternative to commonly used drugs, especially in the presence of adverse effects. To relieve nausea , it can be taken fresh or dried , by eating a small piece, or in herbal tea or added as a powder to your dishes. Alternatively, there are dry or liquid ginger extracts available in pharmacies or herbalist’s shops.
Another natural remedy that is good for the entire gastrointestinal system and can also be used in cases of nausea is ficus carica (the common fig ), which is also useful in improving intestinal motility and in cases of nausea associated with gastrointestinal disorders . Generally, gemmoderivative is used for these problems .
Finally, we recommend you also try lemon juice (a slice) diluted in a glass of warm water or the peel with which to prepare the “canary”, boiling the peel of an organic lemon in water for 5 or 6 minutes. This remedy also helps digestion and is useful for regaining intestinal well-being.