It took me a few tries and a few cameras to finish this post. This isn’t a problem with the content itself, it’s just that my hands are very cold and sometimes it’s a little difficult to write. Why? Look at the temperature display: The temperature is set at 22.5 degrees. Not that. The hot water bottle on my leg was searing hot, but even when I tried to warm my fingers, they were freezing cold. Now, you might think it’s because it’s winter, but that’s not the case. Sure, it doesn’t help that it’s cold outside, but even in the middle of summer, my hands often freeze. I looked into the root of this problem and how to fix it.
Chances of cold hands
If you’re reading this right now, you’re probably in the same boat as me. Anyone with extremely cold hands knows that simply warming them with a cup of tea or wearing gloves usually doesn’t help. So first, it’s important to dig deeper into the cause of cold fingers; there can be many reasons for this.
- Causes of cold hands and feet: gender differences
People born female are more likely to catch the flu than those born male. For this reason, men have more muscles, which provides more body heat. In addition, women may experience cold fingers due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.
The second cause of cold hands: bad lifestyle
Smoking, drinking too much water, and eating fatty foods can cause the arteries and veins in the body to narrow. Therefore, blood flow is not good and causes the hands and feet to cool.
- Cause of the flu: Virus
Hypothyroidism, diabetes, vitamin deficiencies, autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, mental illnesses and even the flu can cause a cold. It is best to have your doctor do these tests, but a professional can help you and provide treatment. - Causes of the common cold: high blood pressure
However, low blood pressure is a common cause of the common cold. It can also be Raynaud syndrome, which occurs when the fingers turn white in the cold. Only your doctor can tell you the truth, especially if your fingers are cold every day or more.
Simple health tips: How to prevent cold hands?
Have you ever been to a doctor and had a condition ruled out? Great! Here are some tips on how to stimulate circulation and warm your hands:
Tip 1: Take alternating showers
Even if your hands or feet are cold, alternating showers will help get the blood flowing. To do this, simply switch from warm to cold and back to warm when washing your hands.
Tip 2: Stretching
Sometimes doing some finger exercises can help warm up your hands! Stretch your fingers as far as you can and make fists. Repeat quickly a few times and you’re done.
Tip 3: Spicy foods
If you can avoid hot peppers, chili peppers, etc., you can consume spicy foods to help increase your blood flow; by the way, this is good for the whole body. However, please consume all foods in moderation, otherwise your tour will not be completed.